Konrad Neuberger - Psychotherapy HPG
Presentations in Horticultural Therapy
A selection of presentations regarding horticultural therapy held in English
and in German.
- Gartentherapie - Methoden, Wirkungen und gärtnerische Tätigkeiten
(Horticultural Therapy - Technics, Effects and Gardening Activities)
ENGELSZEMIR 2020 in Izmir, Turkey, January 2020 - Was wirkt in Gartentherapie und Sozialer Landwirtschaft?
(Moving Forces in Horticultural Therapy and Social Agriculture)
Witzenhausen, Kassel University 2019 - 30 Jahre Netzwerkarbeit Gartentherapie in Deutschland
(30 years Networking for Horticultural Therapy in Germany)
Gartentherapie-Tage Gruenberg 2019 - Die Kraft therapeutischer Gartenarbeit
(The Power of therapeutic Gardening)
StollVITA Waldshut 2016 - Methods and Challenges in Horticultural Therapy
IHC Brisbane 2014
Symposium: Horticulture and Human Communities: People, Plants & Place - Heilende Wirkungen in der Arbeit mit Pflanzen
(Healing Effects of Working with Plants)
Conference "Nature Heals Addiction", 2013 - Non-verbal-Communication between People and Plants
10th Int. People-Plant-Symposium, Truro, Canada 2010 - Pflanzen in Bewegung
(Movements of Plants and Their Importance for the Human Sensuous Awareness)
Horticultural Therapy Days in Gruenberg, Germany, 2008 - 25 Jahre therapeutische Gartenarbeit
(25 Years of Therapeutic Horticulture)
A Personal Overview on 25 Years of Practice in the Hospital of Langenfeld and in Wuppertal, Germany 2008 - The Phyto-Resonance of Plant Qualities on Human Experience
Joint conference of Cost 39 und Cost 866, Larnaca, Cyprus 2007 - Correlating Effects of Horticultural Activities
Cost 866 "Green Care in Agriculture", MC Meeting, Bruxelles, December 2006 - Therapeutic Aspects of Gardening in Psychiatry
Farming for Health, CoP, Stavanger, Norwegen 2006 - Therapeutische Gesichtspunkte der Gartenarbeit
(Therapeutic Aspects in Gardening)
Annual conference of Waldorf teachers of horticulture in Germany 2005 - Heilende Wirkungen in der Arbeit mit Tieren und Pflanzen - Was kann durch gärtnerische Arbeit bewirkt werden?
(Healing Effects by Working with Animals and Plants)
Annual Conference Diakonie Suedwuerttemberg, 2005 - Natural Resources for Change
4. World Congress for Psychotherapy, Buenos Aires, 2005 - Therapeutic Aspects of Gardening
International Summit Horticultural Therapy Awaji, Japan, 2004 - Gaertnerische Taetigkeiten und deren therapeutischer Nutzen
(Horticultural Activities and Therapeutic Benefits for Teachers in Horticuture)
FH Weihenstephan, 2004 - Geschichte der Gartentherapie
(History of horticultural therapy)
Benediktbeuern 2003 - Gartenarbeit als Medizin
(Gardening as medicine)
Conference Medicinal Plant Garden, Celle, 2003 - Gartenarbeit und Therapie bei verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern
(Gardening to Use with Different Groups of Clinical Pictures)
Presentation Hof Sondern, Wuppertal, 2003 - Garten und Psychotherapie
(Gardens and Psychotherapy)
Annual German Conference of Students of Psychology, Potsdam, November 2003 - Von den agricolen Kolonien des 19.Jahrhunderts zur heutigen Gartentherapie
("Agricultural Colonies" of the 19 th Century and Horticultural Therapy Today)
Conference "Garden and Therapy" in Bad Lippspringe 2002 - Psychotherapie und Gartenarbeit
(Psychotherapy and Gardening)
3. World Congress for Psychotherapy Wien 2002 - Gaerten und Parks als oekologischer Zugang zu Lebenskraft und Vitalitaet
(Gardens and Parks as an Ecological Approach to Life´s Forces and to Human Vitality)
Symposium in Korneuburg, Oesterreich 2001, DGG-Conference in Dresden 1999 - Gartenarbeit und Paedagogik. Eine segensreiche Verbindung zwischen
Menschen und Natur
(Gardening and Education, a Beneficial Connection Between Nature and Human Beings)
Berlin, 1997 - Das therapeutische Potential der Gartenarbeit -
(The Therapeutic Potential of Gardening)
Symposium Thessaloniki 1996/Occupational Therapy Congress Cologne 97/
DGG Conference Dresden 1999 - Gaerten sind Nahrung für die Lebenskraefte des Menschen
(Gardens Nurture Life´s Forces)
Goethe-Institut, Thessaloniki, 1996 - Pedagogics and Horticultural Therapy: Mr. Huber's Favorite Task, Digging up Potatoes
XXIV. International Horticultural Congress, Kyoto, Japan 1994 - Therapeutische Moeglichkeiten der Gartenarbeit
(Therapeutic Possibilities of Gardening in a Psychiatric Hospital)
Education for psychiatrists, Psychiatric Hospital Langenfeld, Germany 1993 - Therapeutische Dimensionen der Gartenarbeit
(Therapeutic Dimensions of Gardening)
Forum Leverkusen 1991 - Horticultural Therapy in a Psychiatric Hospital: Picking the Fruit
Symposium The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-Being and Social Development in Arlington, Virginia, USA 1990